The Adventures of Jack and Jill: The Search for the Missing Wheel

Once upon a time, there were two best friends named Jack and Jill. They lived in a village near a cliff where they loved to play and explore. One day, while playing with a stone wheel, they found themselves at the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, the wheel rolled down and disappeared into the depths below.
They were curious about where it went, so they decided to climb down to find it. When they reached the bottom, they saw that the wheel had landed in a river. They followed the river and found a cave, where they discovered a beautiful treasure trove guarded by a dragon!
The dragon was friendly and offered to trade the treasure for the stone wheel. They agreed and returned to their village as heroes, with the treasure and the story of their adventure. From then on, they went on many more adventures together, always searching for new discoveries and wonders.


  1. What did Jack and Jill find at the bottom of the cliff?
  2. Why was the dragon friendly?
  3. What did the dragon trade for the stone wheel?
  4. What did Jack and Jill bring back to their village?
  5. Where did Jack and Jill go on their next adventure?

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