The Smooth-Running Oil Pump

Once upon a time there was an oil pump in the middle of a large oil patch. The pump worked smoothly every day, pumping oil from the ground and sending it to far-off places. People from all around came to see the amazing pump and marvel at how well it worked. But one day, the pump started to creak and groan. It wasn't pumping as smoothly as it used to. The people were worried. What would they do without their trusty pump? Just then, a kind mechanic arrived on the scene. He knew exactly what was wrong and fixed the pump with ease. And just like that, the pump was back to pumping oil smoothly and the people were happy once again. The end.


  1. Why was the oil pump important to the people?
  2. What was wrong with the pump and how did the mechanic fix it?
  3. How did the people feel when the pump was working smoothly again?

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