Tim's Adventure on Two Wheels

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Tim who loved to ride his bicycle. He had a red bike with shiny gears that he loved to shift as he rode. But one day, Tim's bike started making a funny noise when he tried to brake.

He took the bike to the repair shop and the mechanic told him that he needed a new inner tube. So, Tim went to the store and bought a new one. He also picked up a cool blue helmet to wear for safety.

Finally, it was time to head back out on his bike. Tim made sure to fasten his helmet and check all the gears before he started riding. And off he went, flying down the street faster than ever before.

But then, Tim realized he'd forgotten something very important! He had to use his brakes! He squeezed the brake handle, but nothing happened. Tim panicked, but then he remembered what the mechanic had told him. He had to pump his brakes several times to make them work.

So, Tim pumped the brakes and finally, they worked. He slowed down and came to a stop, grateful that he had taken the time to fix his bike and wear his helmet. From that day on, Tim always made sure to check his brakes before he rode and never forgot to wear his helmet.


  1. Why did Tim need a new inner tube?

  2. What did Tim forget when he was riding his bike fast?

  3. What did Tim do to make his brakes work again?

  4. Why is it important to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle?

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