The Short Pig and the Tall Camel: A Lesson in Friendship

Once upon a time there was a short pig who lived in the desert. One day, he met a tall camel with a big hump on his back. The pig said to the camel, "Your hump is so tall! I bet I can't reach it." The camel replied, "I don't think you can, but go ahead and try." So, the pig jumped and jumped, but he couldn't reach the hump. The camel said, "You are too short. But don't worry, your size doesn't define who you are." The pig smiled and said, "Thanks, I feel better now." They became friends and had many adventures together. The end.


  1. What did the pig think of the camel's hump at first?
  2. How did the pig feel after he couldn't reach the hump?
  3. What did the camel say to make the pig feel better?
  4. How did the pig and the camel become friends?
  5. What did the pig learn about himself through his friendship with the camel?

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