The Mouse's Quest for Cheese: A Journey Through the World of Food

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse who loved cheese more than anything else in the world. One day, she decided to go on a journey to find out where cheese came from.

She traveled far and wide, asking every animal and plant she met if they knew where cheese came from. Some said it was made from milk, others said it was made from the moon. But no one seemed to know for sure.

Finally, she met an old wise owl who told her that cheese was actually made from milk, which came from cows. The mouse was amazed! She had never seen a cow before and asked the owl where she could find one.

The owl told her that cows lived on farms, and pointed her in the direction of a nearby farm. The mouse set off on her journey, eager to see these mysterious creatures for herself.

When she arrived at the farm, she saw cows grazing in a field. She approached one of them and asked where the milk for cheese came from. The cow told her that she produced the milk, and that it was the food she ate that turned into milk.

The mouse was fascinated by this and asked what the cow ate. The cow told her that she ate grass, hay, and corn, and that these foods came from the plants around the farm.

The mouse was so happy to have found out where cheese came from, and she went back to her home, grateful to the owl, the cow, and all the other animals and plants that had helped her on her journey.

And from that day on, every time she ate cheese, she thought about the journey she had taken and all the amazing things she had learned about food and where it comes from.

Oh, and she also found out that oranges come from orange trees, which grow in warm places like California.


  1. What did the mouse want to find out about cheese?
  2. Who did the mouse ask for help on her journey?
  3. What did the cow tell the mouse about what she ate and turned into milk?
  4. What did the mouse learn about food and where it comes from?
  5. Where do oranges come from?

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