The Creepy Spider and the Mysterious Goo

Once upon a time, there was a creepy spider who loved to spin webs. One day, while spinning its web, it stumbled upon a goo that was unlike anything it had ever seen before. The spider tried to spin the goo into its web, but it wouldn't stick. Instead, the goo started to creep away like it had a life of its own. The spider followed the goo and soon found itself in a strange and wondrous world filled with all sorts of creatures and adventures. The end.


  1. What do you think the goo was made of?
  2. Why was the spider following the goo?
  3. What kind of creatures do you think the spider encountered in the strange world?
  4. Do you think the spider was scared or excited to explore this new world?
  5. How do you think the story would have ended differently if the goo didn't have a life of its own?

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