Shelly the Spider and Her Sticky Silk Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a spider named Shelly. She was known for her sticky silk and could wrap anything in her threads. One day, she came across a problem. Her silk wasn't as sticky as it used to be and she couldn't wrap anything properly. The items kept falling off. She decided to go on a journey to find the cause of the problem. During her journey, she met many creatures who offered to help her but none of them could solve her problem. Finally, she met an old spider who told her that her silk thread was worn out and needed to be replaced. Shelly went back home and made new silk threads from scratch. Now, she was able to wrap things again and was the happiest spider in the world.


  1. What was Shelly the spider's problem with her silk?
  2. What did Shelly do to solve her problem?
  3. Who helped Shelly in her journey?
  4. How did Shelly feel after fixing her silk?
  5. What can we learn from Shelly's story?

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