The Contest of Unique Skills

Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived many birds. One of them was a penguin named Peter. Peter was known for his cute appearance and playful nature.

One day, a vulture came to the land and started to cause trouble. He would steal food from other birds and make them unhappy. Peter decided to do something about it.

He went to a wise pelican who lived by the sea. The pelican suggested that they should have a contest to see who is the best bird. The contest would include different tasks like flying, diving, singing, and more.

Peter invited all the birds, including the hummingbird, who was known for its beautiful songs, and a chicken, who was good at laying eggs.

The day of the contest arrived, and all the birds gathered. The vulture was very confident and thought he would win easily. However, to everyone's surprise, the hummingbird won the singing contest, the chicken won the egg-laying contest, and Peter won the diving contest.

In the end, all the birds realized that every bird has its own unique skills, and it's this that makes them special. They all became friends and lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. What did the vulture do to the other birds?
  2. Who won the singing contest?
  3. What was the chicken good at?
  4. What did the pelican suggest to Peter?
  5. Why did all the birds become friends in the end?

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