Tim's Time to Shine

Once upon a time, there was a subject named Tim who loved to show his friends what he could do. One morning, he woke up and realized he had a special show to put on for his friends in the afternoon. He spent the morning practicing and preparing for the big event. The show was scheduled for 6 o'clock in the evening. As the day went on, Tim checked the time often to make sure he was ready on time. Finally, it was time for the show to start. Tim took a deep breath and went out to perform. When he was done, his friends cheered and clapped. Tim was so happy that he decided to do another show the next morning, just for you!


  1. What did Tim want to show his friends?
  2. What was the special show scheduled for?
  3. How did Tim feel after the show was over?
  4. What did Tim decide to do the next morning?
  5. Why do you think Tim wanted to put on another show?

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