Billy the Tossing Billy Goat

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous billy goat named Billy. One day, while playing with his friends, Billy challenged them to a tossing game. He picked up a big boulder and said, "I'll toss this as far as I can!" His friends were amazed and cheered him on.

With a mighty snort, Billy heaved the boulder into the sky. It flew higher and higher, until it landed with a loud thud. Billy's friends were impressed and clapped for him. Billy was so proud of himself that he snorted with joy.

From that day on, Billy became known as the best tosser in the whole meadow. Everywhere he went, he would show off his skills and make everyone snort with laughter. And although he was a bit of a troublemaker, everyone loved Billy the billy goat and his amazing tossing abilities.


  • What is Billy's challenge to his friends?
  • How does Billy become known as the best tosser in the meadow?
  • Why did everyone love Billy despite his mischievous behavior?
  • Can you think of a time when you showed off your own special talents?

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