The Billy Goat Outsmarts the Grumpy Troll

Once upon a time, there was a grumpy Billy goat who lived in a meadow. One day, he stumbled upon a troll who was blocking the path to his favorite food. The Billy goat tried to pass but the troll wouldn't let him.

"You need to fix something for me first," said the troll, "or you can't pass."

The Billy goat didn't want to waste his time, so he asked, "What do you want me to fix?"

The troll pointed to a broken bridge and said, "Fix that bridge and I'll let you pass."

The Billy goat snorted and said, "I'm not a carpenter! I'm just a goat."

But the troll wouldn't budge. So, the Billy goat had an idea. He said, "Okay, I'll toss a rock into the water. If it makes a splash, then I'll fix the bridge."

The troll agreed and the Billy goat tossed a rock. It didn't make a splash, so the Billy goat got to pass without fixing the bridge.

The Billy goat laughed and said, "Sometimes, all you have to do is think outside the box!"

The end.


  1. What was the troll blocking the Billy goat's path for?
  2. How did the Billy goat get past the troll without fixing the bridge?
  3. What lesson did the Billy goat learn from the experience?
  4. Why was the troll grumpy?
  5. Do you think the Billy goat should have fixed the bridge or found another way to pass? Why?

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