Platypus and the Hidden Treasure

Once upon a time, there was a curious animal named Platypus. People often asked "What is Platypus?" Platypus had long whiskers and webbed feet, which made it unique among all the animals. It lived in the rivers and streams of Australia and was known for its playful and friendly nature. One day, Platypus was playing with its friends when it stumbled upon a hidden treasure. From that day on, Platypus was known as the smartest animal in the land, always ready to share its riches with its friends. The end.


  1. What makes Platypus unique among all the animals?
  2. What did Platypus find that made it known as the smartest animal?
  3. Why was Platypus known for its generosity?
  4. Where did Platypus live?
  5. What did Platypus like to do?

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