The Adventures of Sammy, Harry, Minnie and Daisy

Once upon a time, in a far-off forest, there lived a spider named Sammy. Sammy was a friendly spider who loved to spin webs and catch flies. One day, while Sammy was out spinning her webs, she met a horse named Harry. Harry was a strong and powerful horse who loved to run through the forest. Sammy and Harry quickly became friends and would often play together.

One day, while they were playing, they heard a loud noise. They went to investigate and found a mouse named Minnie who was in trouble. Minnie had stumbled upon a bear named Boris who was trying to catch her. Sammy and Harry quickly came up with a plan to save Minnie. They distracted Boris with a fly that Sammy had caught and Minnie was able to escape.

Minnie was so grateful to Sammy and Harry that she decided to join them on their adventures. Together, the three friends explored the forest and met many different animals. They met a duck named Daisy who was a great swimmer and loved to play in the pond. Sammy, Harry, and Minnie loved playing with Daisy and would often go swimming with her.

One day, while they were playing, they heard their mums and daddies calling for them. They knew it was time to go home. Sammy, Harry, and Minnie said goodbye to Daisy and promised to come back and play with her again soon. When they got home, they told their mums and daddies all about their adventure and how they had saved Minnie from the bear. Their mum and daddy were so proud of them.

The next day, Sammy, Harry and Minnie were back in the forest with Daisy. They were having a great time swimming and playing when they saw a little girl. She was their sister and she had been looking for them all day. She was so happy to see them and wanted to join them in the forest. Sammy, Harry, Minnie, and Daisy introduced her to all of the animals in the forest and showed her all of the fun things to do. They all lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. How did Sammy and Harry first meet?
  2. How did they save Minnie from Boris the bear?
  3. Who did they meet in the forest that they liked to play with?
  4. What did they tell their parents when they got home?

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