The Adventure of the Clever bird with the webbed feet

Once upon a time, in a forest near a pond, there lived a strange bird with a sleek feathery body and webbed feet. It had a long bill and sharp claws, which it used to gnaw on nuts and seeds. One day, while the bird was having a snack, it noticed a loose feather on the ground. To its surprise, the feather started moving on its own. The bird followed the feather and soon discovered that it was leading it to a hidden treasure! Excited by the discovery, the bird quickly gathered the treasure and returned to its nest to show off its new riches. From that day on, the strange bird became known as the cleverest bird in the forest and all the other birds admired its wit and bravery.


  1. What was strange about the bird in the story?
  2. How did the bird find the treasure?
  3. Why did the other birds admire the strange bird?
  4. What was the bird's reaction when it found the treasure?

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