The Cycle of Life: A Story of a Colorful Tree in Autumn

Once upon a time, in a forest filled with trees of every color, one tree was getting ready for autumn. The tree knew that fall was important because it was the time when it would cycle through its life, shedding its leaves until it was bare and waiting for spring.

As the days grew cooler, the tree began to change color. Its green leaves turned yellow, orange, and red, until the whole tree was ablaze with color. Then, one by one, the leaves began to fall.

The tree watched as the leaves twirled and danced their way to the ground, making a soft bed for animals to snuggle in. But the tree wasn't sad to see its leaves go. It knew that this was just part of the cycle, and that new leaves would grow back in the spring.

So the tree stood tall and proud, letting the wind carry its leaves away and knowing that it was doing something important for the forest. And as the sun set and the stars came out, the tree smiled, happy to have been a part of the cycle of life.


  1. What was the tree's attitude towards letting its leaves fall?
  2. Why was fall an important time for the tree?
  3. Why did the tree change color in the story?
  4. How did the fallen leaves help the forest?
  5. How do you think the tree felt at the end of the story?

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