Desert Friends: The Kind Hummingbird, the Lost Javelina, and the Speedy Roadrunner

Once upon a time in the scorching Arizona desert, a hummingbird was flying from one cactus to another in search of nectar. Suddenly, a kind javelina appeared on the road, who was lost and looking for a way back to his herd. The hummingbird could see the javelina was tired and offered to help him find his way back.

Together they set off along the dusty trails, with the hummingbird leading the way and showing the javelina the shortest path. The hummingbird flew ahead, pointing out landmarks such as cactus and rocks that the javelina could use to guide himself. After a while, the javelina spotted a roadrunner, who was racing across the desert with incredible speed.

The roadrunner stopped when he saw the hummingbird and javelina and asked if he could help. The hummingbird explained their situation and the roadrunner offered to lead the way. With the roadrunner's help, they finally found the herd of javelinas and the javelina was overjoyed to be reunited with his family.

The hummingbird and roadrunner said goodbye and continued on their way, but the javelina will never forget the kindness shown to him by these two desert dwellers. From that day on, the hummingbird and roadrunner became great friends and would often be seen flying and running together through the desert, spreading happiness wherever they went.


  1. What was the hummingbird's first act of kindness in the story?

  2. How did the roadrunner help the hummingbird and javelina?

  3. Why did the javelina need help in the first place?

  4. How did the hummingbird and roadrunner become friends?

  5. What did the javelina learn from his experience?

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