Slimy's Great Escape from the Touch Tank

Once upon a time, there was a sea cucumber named Slimy who lived in a touch tank at the aquarium. One day, when visitors came to the aquarium, they couldn't resist the temptation to touch Slimy. Slimy didn't like being touched, it made him feel slimy and uncomfortable. So, he made a plan to escape from the touch tank. He waited until the visitors left and then he used all his strength to push open the lid of the tank. He tumbled out and slithered down to the ocean where he could live freely without being touched. From that day on, Slimy lived happily ever after in the big blue sea.


  • Why did Slimy want to escape from the touch tank?
  • How did Slimy feel when visitors touched him?
  • What did Slimy do to escape from the touch tank?
  • How did Slimy live happily ever after in the ocean?

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