Ernie the Eraser's Adventure

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a little eraser named Ernie. Ernie lived on a big wooden table in a classroom full of books, pens, pencils, tables, and chairs.

Ernie was a very special eraser because he had the power to erase anything he wanted with just a wave of his tiny hand. One day, Ernie decided he wanted to go on an adventure and explore the world outside of the classroom.

He climbed down from the table and set off on his journey. He walked past rows of chairs and tables, passing pens and pencils that were busily writing and drawing. Ernie even passed a book that was so big, he could barely see over the top of it!

As Ernie continued his journey, he came across a little girl who was crying. She was crying because she had made a mistake in her book and couldn't fix it. Ernie knew just what to do and with a wave of his hand, he erased the mistake and made the book perfect again.

The little girl was so happy and thanked Ernie for his help. Ernie felt happy too, he was glad he could help someone. Ernie continued his journey and met many new friends along the way, a pen, a pencil, even a chair!

In the end, Ernie returned home to his table, tired but happy from his adventure. He had not only seen the world, but he had also helped someone in need. From that day on, Ernie knew that no matter where life takes him, he will always have the power to make things right.


  1. Why did Ernie want to go on an adventure?
  2. What did Ernie do to help the little girl who was crying?
  3. Who were some of the new friends Ernie met on his journey?
  4. How did Ernie feel at the end of his adventure?

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