Lily's Ketchup Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to barbecue with her family. One day, she wanted to try something new with the ketchup and decided to use it as a coating for her barbecued chicken. She brushed it on thickly and watched as it sizzled and turned a lovely golden brown. She took a bite and was thrilled to find that it was delicious! However, when she went to wipe her hands on a nearby napkin, she discovered that the ketchup had stained her favorite silk dress. She was so upset that she started to cry. But then her mom told her not to worry because ketchup stains could be removed with some soap and water. And sure enough, after a good scrubbing, the stain was gone and Lily's dress was as good as new. From then on, she never let a little ketchup stop her from enjoying her barbecued chicken!


  1. What did Lily do with ketchup when she was barbecuing?
  2. What happened to her silk dress after she ate the barbecued chicken?
  3. Was Lily upset about the ketchup stain on her dress?
  4. What did her mother tell her to do about the stain?
  5. How did Lily feel about barbecued chicken after her adventure?

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