The Prankster Pals

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a boy named Tim. Tim was known for his love of playing pranks on his friends. One day, he came up with a gross idea to put green slime in his friend's lunchbox. When his friend opened the lunchbox, he let out a groan and Tim couldn't help but grin. But little did Tim know, his friend had planned a prank of his own. The next day at school, Tim found his backpack filled with smelly fish! He groaned but then started to grin, realizing he had met his match in his prankster friend. They both laughed and from that day on, they made a promise to always plan pranks together. The end.


  1. What was Tim's original prank idea?
  2. How did Tim's friend respond to the prank?
  3. How did Tim's friend decide to retaliate?
  4. What was Tim's reaction to the retaliation?
  5. What did Tim and his friend promise each other after the pranks?

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