The Peacemaker's Feather Arrow

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweet who lived in a peaceful forest. One day, a war broke out in the forest and all the animals were running away. Tweet didn't know what to do, but he wanted to help. He noticed that one of his feathers had fallen on the ground and picked it up. He remembered that his grandfather had told him that feathers bring good luck in times of war.

So Tweet took the feather and went to the front lines of the war. He saw that the animals were fighting with sticks and stones, but he had an idea. He took the feather and made it into an arrow. He said, "This arrow will bring peace to the forest!"

He crept up to the front line and fired the arrow. It flew through the air and landed in the middle of the battlefield. Suddenly, all the animals stopped fighting and looked at the arrow. They were amazed by its beauty and started to calm down. They said, "Maybe this is a sign from above that we should stop fighting."

And so they did. The animals put down their weapons and started to gnaw on some berries and nuts together. They were happy and content and much was said about Tweet's bravery. From that day on, the animals lived in peace and Tweet became known as the peacemaker of the forest. And the feather arrow became a symbol of peace, reminding everyone that even the smallest things can make a big difference.


  • What do you think the feather symbolizes in the story?
  • Why did Tweet want to help during the war in the forest?
  • How did Tweet's actions bring peace to the animals in the forest?
  • Do you think one small thing can make a big difference? Why or why not?

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