Sarah's Balloon Drum Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who loved to make things. She had a pair of scissors, a roll of cardboard and lots of balloons. One day, she thought of making something different with these items.
She used the scissors to cut the cardboard into different shapes and sizes. Then, she used the balloons to stretch over the cardboard pieces to make a drum!
Sarah was so proud of her creation and started playing it with a drumstick. The balloon drum made a unique sound and everyone in the neighborhood came to see what the noise was all about. They were amazed by the different drum that Sarah had made.
From that day on, Sarah's balloon drum became famous and she continued to make different things with her creativity and imagination.


  1. What did Sarah use to make her drum?
  2. How did Sarah's balloon drum make a unique sound?
  3. How did people react when they heard the sound of Sarah's balloon drum?
  4. What did Sarah continue to make after creating her balloon drum?

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