Leap and the Flying Flippers

Once upon a time, there was a little chick named Leap. Leap loved to play and explore the world around her. One day, while playing, she discovered she had wings! She was so happy and couldn't wait to use them.
But then she noticed that many of her friends in the pond didn't have wings, they had flippers and webbed feet.
Leap didn't want to leave her friends behind, so she came up with a clever idea. She used her wings to help her friends swim faster. They would take turns using Leap's wings to give their flippers a break.
Soon they were all swimming together, faster and stronger, with Leap leading the way.
Leap was proud to have such special wings and even more proud to be able to use them to help her friends. From that day on, she and her friends had many adventures and had lots of fun together. The end.


  • Why did Leap have wings?
  • How did Leap help her friends?
  • What were the adventures that Leap and her friends had?
  • Do you think it's important to help your friends? Why or why not?

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