The Birthday Riddle Gift Tradition.

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a tradition passed down from generation to generation. On each birthday, the villagers would receive a gift, but it was not just any ordinary gift. It was always a mystery, and the only clue to finding it was a riddle.

One day, a little boy named Timmy turned six years old. He was very excited because this meant he would receive his first gift with a riddle. The riddle read, "I'm always here, but you never saw me." Timmy thought and thought, but he couldn't figure out what the answer was.

He went around the village, asking everyone if they knew the answer, but no one did. He was getting frustrated when he saw an old man sitting on a bench. Timmy asked the old man if he knew the answer, and the old man said, "Yes, I know the answer. The gift is waiting for you inside your home."

Timmy was confused, but he ran back to his house. As soon as he entered, he saw the gift sitting on the kitchen table. It was a big red box with a bow on top. He opened the box and inside, he found a beautiful toy car. Timmy was so happy, he put the toy car next to his bed and went to sleep with a big smile on his face.

From that day on, Timmy always remembered the tradition of the riddle gift and looked forward to his birthday every year.


  1. What kind of tradition did the villagers have?
  2. What was the clue to finding Timmy's birthday gift?
  3. Did Timmy figure out what the answer to the riddle was?
  4. Where did Timmy find his gift in the end?
  5. How did Timmy feel when he received the gift?

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