The Lesson of Using All Our Senses

Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived many animals. They all had their own special senses to find food and survive. One day, a group of animals discovered a tree with the most delicious fruit. The fruit was so sweet that it made their senses come alive! However, one of the animals took a bite and found out that the fruit was actually bitter. It had a bad smell too. The animals were confused and didn't know how they could have gotten this wrong. They used their sense of smell to try and figure out what had gone wrong. Now, they realized that they had been relying too much on one sense and not using their other senses enough. They learned that it's important to use all our senses to make sure we have the right information. From now on, they made sure to use all their senses before making any decisions.


  1. Why did the animals in the story rely only on their sense of smell to choose the fruit?
  2. What happened when they tried the fruit?
  3. How did the animals learn to use all their senses to make better decisions?
  4. Can you think of a time when you had to use multiple senses to figure out something?

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