Naples Pizza Adventure

Once upon a time in Italy, there lived many families who loved pizza. They would often have pizza with their friends and family. The most common toppings were cheese and basil. But the best pizza was made in Naples! People from all over the world would travel to Naples just to taste the delicious pizza. One day, a group of kids decided they wanted to make their own pizza. They went to the market to buy all the ingredients they needed and made the pizza together. They topped it with cheese, basil, and other toppings of their choice. They were so proud of their pizza and couldn't wait to share it with everyone. The end.


  • Why did the kids go to the market to buy ingredients for the pizza?
  • What toppings did the kids put on their pizza?
  • Why was Naples famous for its pizza?
  • How did the kids feel after they made the pizza together?
  • Can you think of any other toppings that the kids could have used on their pizza?

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