The Statue's Pocket Park

Once upon a time, there was a statue in a regular park. One day, the statue came to life and went for a walk around the park. It saw that there wasn't a lot of room for people to play and relax, so it decided to use its magic powers to create a pocket park. The statue used its magic to turn a small corner of the park into a beautiful and cozy place, with flowers, trees, and benches. The children who played in the park were very happy, and they loved to spend time in the pocket park. And every day, the statue would watch over them, making sure they had a lot of fun. The end.


  1. What did the statue do to create the pocket park?
  2. What did the children think of the pocket park?
  3. How did the statue feel about the children playing in the pocket park?
  4. Why do you think the statue decided to create the pocket park?
  5. If you were the statue, what kind of park would you create?

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