Max's Coastal Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a dog named Max who lived by the coast. He loved to watch the tall ships sail by with their big white sails and wooden frames. One day, Max decided he wanted to go on an adventure and see where all the ships were going. So, he found a small motor boat and set off over the horizon.

As Max sailed along, he saw many different kinds of boats, each carrying different goods. Some were carrying fruits and vegetables, others were carrying toys and games. Max was having so much fun exploring that he didn't even notice how far he had come from the coast.

Suddenly, Max heard a loud bark from a nearby ship. It was the captain of a large ship, who asked him if he needed help finding his way back home. Max was so grateful for the kind offer, and he quickly climbed aboard the big ship.

The ship sailed along the coast, and finally, Max could see his home in the distance. He thanked the captain and jumped off the ship, running back to his cozy bed. From that day on, Max always remembered the adventure he had on the sea and how he could have never done it without the help of the kind captain.


  1. Where did Max live?
  2. What did Max want to do?
  3. Who helped Max when he was lost?
  4. What did Max see on his adventure?
  5. How did Max get back home?

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