Lucy's Lost Backpack Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy who loved to draw and color. She always carried her backpack with her, filled with all of her favorite art supplies. Inside, she had a big pack of crayons, a ruler to help her draw straight lines, an eraser to fix any mistakes, and a pencil to sketch with.

One day, Lucy went on a hike with her family. They walked through the forest, over hills and valleys, and along a babbling brook. Lucy couldn't wait to get home and draw all of the beautiful things she had seen on her hike.

But when they got back to the car, Lucy realized she had left her backpack behind at the picnic area! She was so sad and disappointed because all of her art supplies were in there.

Her family knew how much the art supplies meant to her, so they decided to go back and look for it. After searching high and low, they finally found her backpack, sitting right where she had left it.

Lucy was so happy and grateful to have her backpack back. She couldn't wait to get home and start drawing all of the things she had seen on her hike. And from that day on, she never went on a hike without her trusty backpack filled with her crayons, ruler, eraser, and pencil.


  1. Why was Lucy so sad and disappointed when she realized she left her backpack behind?
  2. What did Lucy's family do to help her find her backpack?
  3. How did Lucy feel when she found her backpack?
  4. What did Lucy learn from this experience?

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