The Beak Adventure of Pelly & Hummy

Once upon a time, there was a pelican named Pelly who lived by the sea. Pelly had a long beak that he liked to use for fishing. One day, as he was fishing, he met a hummingbird named Hummy who was very small and had a tiny beak. They became friends and Hummy would often come to visit Pelly by the sea.

One day, they came across a crossbill who had gotten his beak stuck in a tree trunk. Pelly used his long beak to help the crossbill free and the crossbill was very grateful. The three of them continued on their journey and soon they met a hornbill who had lost his way. Pelly and Hummy used their beaks to guide the hornbill back to his family.

From that day on, Pelly and Hummy learned that it didn't matter what size their beaks were, but how they could use them to help others. They all lived happily ever after.


  1. What did Pelly and Hummy do to help the crossbill?
  2. Why didn't Pelly and Hummy care about the size of their beaks?
  3. How did Pelly and Hummy feel after they helped the hornbill?
  4. Who were Pelly's friends in the story?
  5. What lesson did Pelly and Hummy learn from their adventure?

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