The Tunnel Adventures of Sammy, the Salamander and Friends

Once upon a time, in a faraway forest, there lived a little salamander named Sammy. Sammy loved exploring new places and making new friends. One day, while he was wandering through the forest, he stumbled upon a tunnel. Curiosity got the better of him, so he decided to go inside.

As he made his way through the dark tunnel, he spotted a burrow on the side. Suddenly, a friendly puffin poked its head out and said, "Hi there! What are you doing here?"

Sammy explained that he was exploring the tunnel and asked if the puffin wanted to join him. The puffin agreed and they continued through the tunnel together.

After a while, they came across a strange creature digging in the dirt. It was a naked mole rat! The naked mole rat was so busy digging, it didn't even notice Sammy and the puffin.

Just then, a wombat appeared and said, "What are you two doing here? This is my tunnel!"

But the naked mole rat explained that he was just looking for a place to build his burrow and the wombat was kind enough to let him stay.

Moved by the kindness of the wombat, Sammy and the puffin decided to help the naked mole rat dig his burrow. They worked hard all day and finally, the burrow was complete.

The naked mole rat was so grateful that he invited everyone to come and live with him in the burrow. And so, they all lived happily ever after, exploring the tunnel and making new friends.


  1. Who is Sammy?
  2. What does Sammy do when he sees the tunnel?
  3. Who does Sammy meet in the tunnel?
  4. Why did the naked mole rat need a burrow?
  5. How did Sammy, the puffin and the wombat help the naked mole rat?
  6. What happened at the end of the story?

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