Honoring History: A Visit to the National Mall

Once upon a time, the President of the United States wanted to honor the country's history. He decided to visit the museum on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The President walked through the museum, marveling at all of the amazing exhibits. Then, he went outside and saw the Washington Monument, a tall monument that honored the first president of the United States, George Washington.
The President felt proud to be the leader of such a great nation and said to himself, "I want to make sure that future generations have enough opportunities to learn about and appreciate their country's history." So, he worked hard to make sure that museums like the one on the National Mall were funded and preserved for years to come.


  1. Why did the President visit the museum on the National Mall?
  2. What did the President think of the Washington Monument?
  3. Why was the President proud to be the leader of the country?
  4. Why did the President want to make sure that museums like the one on the National Mall were preserved?
  5. What could you do to help preserve history for future generations?

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