The Rare and Sparkling Grain

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to explore the world. One day, while walking in the forest, she found a type of grain that was very rare. It was so rare that no one had ever seen it before. The grain was shaped like a star and sparkled in the sun.

Lily took the grain to her village to show everyone. Everyone was amazed at the beautiful and rare item that she had found. They all agreed that the grain was a very special and valuable item.

Lily decided to keep the grain safe in her room, but she also wanted to share it with others. So she came up with an idea to make a necklace out of the grain and give it to her friends.

Everyone was so happy with the gift and they all felt special because they had a piece of the rare item. From that day on, the grain became famous and many people came to see it.

Lily was very proud of herself for discovering the rare grain and sharing it with others. She learned that sometimes the most special things in life are the ones that are rare and unique.


  1. What did Lily find in the forest?
  2. What did Lily do with the rare item?
  3. How did others react to the rare item?
  4. What did Lily learn from this experience?
  5. Can you think of a time when you found something special and unique?

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