The Friendship Table

Once upon a time, there was a truck named Tim. Tim was the first truck in the town and everyone loved him. One year, Tim was on his way to deliver some wood to the carpenter. Suddenly, he saw a stone lying on the road ahead of him. Tim stopped and picked up the stone. He thought it might be useful to someone.

When Tim reached the carpenter's place, he handed over the wood and showed the carpenter the stone. The carpenter was very happy to see the stone and asked Tim if he could use it to make a table. Tim agreed and the carpenter got to work right away.

After some time, the carpenter finished making the table. He put it under the tree and asked Tim to take a look. Tim was amazed at the beautiful table that the carpenter had made.

From that day onwards, Tim visited the carpenter every year and helped him with his deliveries. They became good friends and the table under the tree was a symbol of their friendship.

The kids in the town loved to sit around the table and listen to Tim and the carpenter's stories. They all learned that friendship is more valuable than anything else in the world.


  • Why did Tim pick up the stone on the road?
  • Who made the table?
  • What was the table a symbol of?
  • How did Tim and the carpenter become friends?
  • How do the kids in town feel about Tim and the carpenter's friendship?

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