The Honorable President and the Grateful Buck

Once upon a time, there was an honest president who ruled over a small kingdom. One day, while he was out for a walk, he stumbled upon a little buck who was struggling to get up. The president went down to help the buck and as he tried to pick it up, he noticed that the buck had a hatchet stuck in its paw. The president quickly took note of this and wanted to help the buck. He tried to remove the hatchet but it was stuck too tightly.

The president then called upon his advisors who harshly told him that the buck was beyond saving and that he should just let it be. However, the honest president knew that he could not just abandon the buck. He decided to take the matter into his own hands and after much effort, he finally managed to remove the hatchet from the buck's paw.

The buck was so grateful that it started to tumble around joyfully. The president was happy to see the buck so happy and he felt proud of what he had done. The next day, when the president went for his walk, he saw the buck again and the two of them had a wonderful time together.

From that day on, the honest president was known as a kind and caring ruler who always stood up for what was right, no matter what. And the buck became a loyal friend who was always by the president's side.


  1. What did the president do when he saw the buck with a hatchet stuck in its paw?
  2. Why did the advisors tell the president to leave the buck alone?
  3. How did the buck show its gratitude to the president?
  4. Why was the president known as a kind and caring ruler after helping the buck?

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