Dino and the Big Footprints

Once upon a time, there was a little dinosaur named Dino who lived in a big forest. One day, while exploring the forest, he found some mysterious footprints that were much larger than his own. He wondered who could have made such large footprints and decided to find out. So, he followed the footprints and eventually came across another dinosaur who was much bigger than him. The other dinosaur was kind and friendly, and they soon became good friends. From that day on, they explored the forest together, leaving their footprints behind as a reminder of their adventures. The end.


  1. Who did Dino meet in the forest?
  2. Why did Dino follow the footprints?
  3. What did he and the other dinosaur do together?
  4. What did they leave behind as a reminder of their adventures?

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