The Old Plane and the New: A Story of Friendship and Growth

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a big plane named Max. Max was an old plane and had been flying for many years. He had taken many people to many places, but he was starting to feel tired and slow.

One day, the airline company decided it was time for a new plane. They brought in a shiny, fast plane named Zoom. Zoom was so new and exciting, Max felt jealous and angry. He didn't want to be replaced by a new plane.

But as Zoom flew around, showing off his speed and agility, Max began to see that Zoom was helping to make people happy. He was taking them to new places and making their trips more enjoyable. Max realized that even though he was old, he still had a purpose. He could be used to teach the new plane, Zoom, everything he knew.

With that in mind, Max opened his heart and welcomed Zoom as a fellow pilot. They worked together, with Max showing Zoom the best routes and how to handle tricky situations. And when it was time for Zoom to take off on his own, Max felt proud and happy to have played a part in helping Zoom become the best plane he could be.

From that day on, Max and Zoom were the best of friends and flew side by side, but Max never forgot that sometimes when something new comes along, it can be scary but it can also bring new opportunities and a chance to grow.


  1. Why did Max feel jealous and angry when Zoom was brought in?
  2. How did Max's attitude towards Zoom change over time?
  3. What lesson did Max learn about new things and how did he apply it in his relationship with Zoom?

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