The Moving Cabin Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to go on adventures. They decided to rent a cabin in the woods for the weekend. When they arrived, they started making a plan for their adventures. But soon, things became strange. The cabin seemed to have a mind of its own and started moving on its own. The friends were scared but soon realized that the cabin was taking them on a wild adventure. They had so much fun exploring the unknown and when it was time to go back home, they couldn't wait to plan their next adventure.


  1. What was the friends' plan for their weekend adventure?
  2. How did the cabin become alive?
  3. What did the friends do when they realized the cabin was moving on its own?
  4. Why did the friends want to go on another adventure after this one?
  5. What lesson did the friends learn from their experience in the moving cabin?

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