The Frontier Garden: A Story of Community and Cooperation.

Once upon a time, there was a frontier village where people lived a simple life. They had to work hard every day to make ends meet. They had many chores to do, such as farming, hunting and gathering firewood. Despite their hard work, many of them were poor.

One day, the President came to visit the village. He wanted to hear about the people's lives and see how he could help. He asked the villagers what their biggest problem was. They told him that they didn't have enough food to last the winter.

The President had an idea. He said, "Why don't we start a community garden? We can all work together to grow food for everyone." The villagers liked the idea and everyone started working on the garden. They always worked together, helping each other with their chores.

As the garden grew, so did their spirits. They were able to provide food for themselves and even had enough left over to sell at the market. They were no longer poor and they were happy.

The President reminded the villagers that it was important to always help each other. He said, "When we work together, we can accomplish great things." And from that day forward, the villagers lived happily ever after.


  1. Why was the President visiting the village?
  2. Why were the villagers poor?
  3. What was the President's idea to help the village?
  4. How did the villagers feel after they started working on the community garden together?
  5. Why is it important to always help each other?

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