Jelly Adventure of Brave Jack

Once upon a time, a young adventurer named Jack saw a gigantic monster while exploring a dense forest. The monster had a glob of jiggly and wiggly green goo in its hand. Jack was about to run away, but he thought about how brave he wanted to be. So, he approached the monster and used his wit to distract it. The monster dropped the glob and Jack quickly took it. He ran off as fast as he could with the monster chasing after him. Finally, Jack made it to safety and looked at the glob in his hand. He realized that it was actually a pile of delicious jelly-like treats. Jack ate them all and lived happily ever after.


  1. What did Jack see in the forest and what did he do?
  2. How did Jack get the glob of jelly-like treats from the monster?
  3. How did Jack feel at the end of the story?
  4. Do you think you would have done the same thing as Jack if you were in his place? Why or why not?

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