The Celebrations of Creativity

Once upon a time, a group of friends wanted to celebrate their love for being creative. They decided to work on a project together that would showcase their creativity.
They worked hard, coming up with new and exciting ideas. Finally, the day arrived when they could celebrate their finished project. They invited everyone they knew to come see what they had created.
Everyone was amazed at the creativity and imagination that went into the project. The friends were proud of what they had accomplished and felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that others appreciated their hard work.
From then on, they made it a tradition to celebrate their creativity every year with a new project. The end.


  1. Why did the friends decide to work on a project together?
  2. What did they do to celebrate their finished project?
  3. How did others react to the friends' finished project?
  4. Why was the group of friends proud of what they had accomplished?
  5. Do you think it's important to celebrate creativity? Why or why not?

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