Tom the Lucky Turkey: A Thanksgiving Adventure.

Once upon a time, there was a wild turkey named Tom. He lived in the forest with his turkey friends. One day, while looking for food, Tom found a feather. It was so soft and pretty! He decided to keep it with him always.

As Tom was walking, he saw a group of Pilgrims. They were on a journey and had never seen a wild turkey before. Tom was curious about them, so he followed their tracks. The Pilgrims were so surprised to see Tom that they asked him to join them on their journey. Tom agreed, and they became friends.

As they journeyed together, the Pilgrims taught Tom about their customs and traditions. Tom loved listening to their stories and gobbling along with them. One day, the Pilgrims asked Tom to come to their Thanksgiving feast. Tom was so excited! He gobbled and strutted his way to the feast, showing off his beautiful feather.

At the feast, Tom was treated like a king! He gobbled up all the delicious food, and everyone was happy to have him there. From that day on, Tom was known as the turkey who brought good luck to the Pilgrims. And every year, the Pilgrims would remember their feathered friend, Tom the turkey.

The end.


  1. Why did Tom follow the Pilgrims?
  2. How did Tom feel at the Thanksgiving feast?
  3. What happened to Tom after the feast?
  4. What did Tom learn from the Pilgrims?
  5. Why was Tom known as a lucky turkey?

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