The Bony Bird and the Breath Lesson

Once upon a time there was a bony bird named Becca. She lived in a tree and had a best friend named Benny. One day, while they were sitting on a branch, Becca noticed that Benny had bad breath. Instead of being a good friend and helping Benny fix the problem, she was rude and said "Ew, this is why no one likes to be near you."

Benny felt sad and flew away. Becca realized that her words were hurtful and went looking for Benny to apologize. She found him and said "I'm sorry for being rude, you're still my best friend no matter what." Benny forgave her and together they found ways to freshen up Benny's breath.

From that day on, Becca learned to always think before she spoke and to be kind to her friends.


  1. How did Becca feel after she said something mean to Benny?
  2. Why did Benny fly away?
  3. Why was it important for Becca to apologize to Benny?
  4. What did Becca learn from this situation?
  5. Why is it important to be kind to our friends?

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