Lily's Downtown Surprise Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small town and loved to explore downtown. One day, she remembered her mom telling her to always be careful when she was out and about.

As she was walking, she saw a sign that read "Here Comes a Surprise!" She was so excited and couldn't wait to see what it was. She followed the signs and soon found herself in front of a big building.

Suddenly, the doors opened and out came a parade of clowns, acrobats, and jugglers! Lily was so surprised that she forgot to move. The performers invited her to join them and she happily danced along.

Sometimes, the best surprises happen when you least expect them. Lily never forgot that special day and always remembered to keep an eye out for fun whenever she was downtown.


  1. What was the surprise that Lily found when she was exploring downtown?
  2. Why did the performers invite Lily to join them?
  3. What did Lily learn about surprises from this experience?
  4. How did Lily feel when she discovered the parade?
  5. What is the message of the story?

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