The Insects of the Friendly Meadow

Once upon a time, in a beautiful meadow, lived many different insects. There was an ant who always worked hard and never complained. A dragonfly who zoomed around the meadow catching flies. A fly who loved to dance in the warm summer sun. A beetle who was very strong and loved to help others. A ladybug who was kind and always had a smile on her face.

One day, a spider came to the meadow. She was very sneaky and always tried to catch the other insects in her web. The other insects didn't like her and they tried to stay away from her. But the ladybug had a different idea. She decided to be friends with the spider and show her that not all insects were mean.

The ladybug and the spider started to spend time together. The spider learned how to make friends and the ladybug showed her how to catch bugs in a kind way. Soon, the other insects saw the change in the spider and they decided to give her a chance.

One day, a mosquito came to the meadow. She was very pesky and always buzzed around the other insects. But the ladybug and the spider taught her how to be a good friend too. The snail, who was always slow, loved to watch the other insects play and he joined in the fun too. The caterpillar, who was always crawling, learned to fly with the help of the dragonfly.

From that day on, the meadow was full of love and friendship. The insects learned that it's not always easy to get along, but with patience and kindness, they can become the best of friends.

The end.


  1. Why did the other insects not like the spider when she first came to the meadow?
  2. How did the ladybug teach the spider to catch bugs in a kind way?
  3. How did the other insects change their opinion of the spider?
  4. How did the snail, mosquito, and caterpillar become friends with the other insects in the meadow?

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