Timmy the Turtle's Traffic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little turtle named Timmy. Timmy loved to go on adventures, but he was always nervous about the journey. One day, he decided to go on a bike ride. He got on his bike and started pedaling. But as he rode, he noticed that not everyone was following the traffic signals. Cars were honking, and Timmy was getting very nervous. He wanted to protect himself from danger, so he decided to make sure he followed all the traffic signals. Every time he came to a stop sign, he made sure to put his foot up on the pedal and signal that he was stopping. Timmy made it safely to his destination, and he learned an important lesson about always being safe on the road. From that day on, Timmy always followed the traffic signals and was never nervous while riding his bike again.


  1. Why was Timmy nervous while riding his bike?
  2. What did Timmy do to protect himself while on the road?
  3. What did Timmy learn about traffic signals?
  4. How did Timmy feel after following the traffic signals?
  5. Why is it important to follow traffic signals when riding a bike?

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