Thanksgiving on the Farm: A Story of Friendship and Supply

Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Joe who lived with his family on a farm. They grew crops and raised animals to sell to the grocer in town.

One Thanksgiving, the grocer came to the farm to buy a big supply of their stuff to sell in his store. But when he arrived, he realized he had forgotten his cart to load all the stuff. Joe and his family didn't want to disappoint the grocer, so they loaded all the stuff into their pickup truck and drove it into town.

At the grocer's store, they found that the grocer had set up a big feast for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone sat down and ate together, grateful for the food and friendship. The grocer thanked Joe and his family for their hard work and for helping him with his supply.

From that day on, Joe and his family became good friends with the grocer and looked forward to celebrating Thanksgiving together every year. The end.


  • Who was the farmer in the story?
  • What did the grocer forget when he came to the farm?
  • What did the grocer do for Thanksgiving dinner?
  • How did the farmer and his family help the grocer?
  • What happened after the farmer and grocer became friends?

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