Once upon a time there were two friends, Tim and Tom. They lived in a magical world where creatures of all shapes and sizes roamed free. One day, they stumbled upon a strange creature that they had never seen before. They supposed it was lost and decided to help it find its way back home.
But the creature wouldn’t listen to them and started to cause trouble. Tim and Tom tried to explain what was wrong but the creature just wouldn’t listen. They tried to come up with an excuse for its behavior, but nothing seemed to work.
Finally, they decided to eject the creature out of their town. It was the only way to keep everyone safe. They used their combined strength to gently push the creature out of town.
But just when they thought everything was over, the creature came back with a big smile on its face. It turned out that it was just playing a trick on them. The creature was actually a friendly being who loved to play pranks.
Tim and Tom learned a valuable lesson that day. They realized that just because something looks different and behaves strangely, it doesn’t mean it’s dangerous. They made a new friend and promised to always be more understanding in the future.
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