Sally's Adventure with a Broken Arm, Leg, and Foot

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally. She had long, curly hair that reached down to her waist. One day, while playing outside, Sally tripped and fell. She hurt her arm and leg, and scraped her foot.

Sally was very sad and cried because she couldn't play or run anymore. Her parents took her to the doctor, who put a cast on her arm and leg, and bandaged her foot.

Sally was bored and sad at home, but she didn't give up. She used her hair to make a puppet, and used her foot to control it. She made up stories and played with her puppet, and soon she forgot all about her injuries.

Days passed and Sally's arm and leg healed. The doctor took off her cast and bandages, and she was able to play and run again. She was so happy and grateful that she never forgot to be careful and watch where she was going. The end.


  1. Why did Sally feel sad and cry after she tripped and fell?
  2. How did Sally keep herself entertained while she had a cast on her arm and leg?
  3. How did Sally's injuries heal?
  4. What did Sally learn from her experience that she never forgot?

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