Joey's World Tour

Once upon a time, there was a kangaroo named Joey who lived in Australia. He loved to travel and explore the world with his friends. One day, he decided to go on an adventure to visit different countries. First, he went to Canada to see the caribou. Then, he went to South Korea to try new foods. Next, he visited Russia to meet new animals. Finally, he went to the Arctic to see the Inuit people and taste some barbecued food. Joey had a great time on his travels and learned so much about different cultures and animals. He couldn't wait for his next adventure!


  1. Where did Joey travel to and what did he see there?
  2. What did Joey learn about different cultures and animals on his travels?
  3. What was Joey's favorite part of his adventure?
  4. If you could go on a world tour, where would you like to visit and why?

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